1.   And in mosques, as in most Orthodox synagogues, women are separated from men during prayer, usually at the back of the mosque.

2.   Both Lincoln Square and the Hebrew Institute are prominent Orthodox synagogues with large congregations, including many well-educated professionals.

3.   But postings on a bulletin board at one Orthodox synagogue here show a taste for luxury.

4.   Cohen is the first vice president of Aitz Chaim Congregation, an Orthodox synagogue in West Palm Beach.

5.   For Foxman, a traditional Jew who belongs to two Orthodox synagogues, this was carrying religious chutzpah just a bit too far.

6.   His father was a dry-goods merchant who was better known as a lay leader at an Orthodox synagogue.

7.   Hollander said the statement did not suggest that Jews in Reform and Conservative synagogues were any less Jewish than those in Orthodox synagogues.

8.   In addition to an orthodox synagogue in the southern port of Marseille, which was burned to the ground, synagogues in Strasbourg and in Lyon were also attacked.

9.   In Brussels, the floors and pews of an Orthodox synagogue were damaged when five firebombs were thrown inside, the police said.

10.   In an Orthodox synagogue, women and men pray in separate sections divided by a wall, or with the women in a balcony.

a. + synagogue >>共 117
orthodox 9.19%
jewish 8.11%
reform 5.41%
local 3.51%
historic 3.24%
main 3.24%
old 2.97%
conservative 2.97%
same 2.70%
ancient 2.70%
orthodox + n. >>共 382
rabbi 8.18%
leader 5.74%
church 4.49%
priest 3.58%
party 2.56%
believer 2.39%
community 2.33%
tradition 2.16%
country 2.16%
woman 2.04%
synagogue 1.93%
每页显示:    共 34