1.   A judicial inquiry was ordered, but witnesses were threatened by the police and none would testify.

2.   The League have ordered an inquiry.

3.   The prime minister, Bu lent Ecevit, has ordered an inquiry.

4.   There was, however, considerable doubt expressed at the findings and Congress ordered an inquiry into the conduct of the investigation.

5.   Ashcroft has also ordered internal inquiries into the Hanssen case and the events surrounding the discovery of the investigative records in the Oklahoma City case.

6.   Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, commander of the Pacific Fleet, orders an inquiry, and the finger-pointing between high-ranking Navy officers begins.

7.   But other industry executives and lobbyists said they thought the conversation had occurred and would ask Kollar-Kotelly to order an inquiry.

8.   Gov. George Pataki ordered an inquiry by the State Athletic Commission, while Eliot Spitzer, the state attorney general, began a separate inquiry.

9.   Mayor Rudolph Giuliani ordered an inquiry by the Department of Investigation.

10.   Palestinian officials met Hamas leaders to urge restraint, and Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader, ordered an inquiry into the killing.

v. + inquiry >>共 311
open 8.44%
launch 8.41%
make 7.17%
conduct 6.68%
order 5.93%
begin 4.06%
refer 3.57%
receive 3.21%
hold 2.72%
demand 1.66%
order + n. >>共 1617
investigation 4.64%
arrest 2.40%
killing 2.29%
release 1.93%
inquiry 1.87%
evacuation 1.80%
attack 1.62%
halt 1.26%
test 1.19%
murder 1.16%
每页显示:    共 167