1.   Molina had accused the media of orchestrating a campaign against him.

2.   ALPA denies orchestrating any campaign and says it has discouraged workers from prodding others to decline overtime assignments.

3.   And when the East Timorese voted to separate, the military helped orchestrate the campaign of violence and destruction.

4.   Another corporation produced the instructional video, and still others orchestrated advertising campaigns that have barraged the public in newspapers and on the radio.

5.   All the ethics complaints against Gingrich were filed by Democrats after he successfully orchestrated a campaign to bring down speaker Jim Wright of Texas.

6.   His campaign is orchestrated to appeal to Swiss prejudices.

7.   Last year military commanders orchestrated a campaign that forced the resignation of Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan, who advocated a greater role for religion in public life.

8.   Memos from his aide Harold Ickes have made it fairly clear that the campaign was orchestrated from the White House.

9.   The association said Carnahan orchestrated the campaign against concealed weapons.

v. + campaign >>共 789
launch 9.99%
begin 4.48%
bomb 3.55%
wage 3.32%
run 2.65%
start 2.43%
mount 2.43%
lead 2.38%
finance 2.28%
continue 2.18%
orchestrate 0.30%
orchestrate + n. >>共 312
attack 10.10%
violence 4.02%
campaign 2.85%
protest 2.59%
riot 2.20%
killing 2.20%
move 1.68%
effort 1.30%
change 1.17%
event 1.17%
每页显示:    共 22