1.   After the opening session we have a series of workshops.

2.   Give them that outline, the feeling of involvement and purpose, at the opening session.

3.   The conference might reconvene after its opening session.

4.   The opening session of this workshop demonstrated very clearly that these changes affect the creators, the storers and the pursuers of data in similar ways.

5.   WDA chairman, Dr Gwyn Jones will host the opening session at Theatr Clwyd next Wednesday.

6.   Although both conservatives and liberals attended, the arguments were less political than cultural and economic in the opening sessions.

7.   Among the better scraps in the opening session was a brawl between Rich Pilon of the Islanders and Berube.

8.   And at the opening session of the Senate campaign finance abuse hearings Tuesday, they started with a few sucker punches.

9.   As Clinton met privately with more than half the APEC leaders before the opening session, he sounded cautious on the Asian economic crisis.

10.   At one point during the opening session Friday, fewer than a dozen delegates seated on the floor of the convention hall were black.

a. + session >>共 513
training 4.56%
straight 4.53%
first 4.07%
second 3.77%
legislative 3.19%
emergency 2.77%
next 2.70%
consecutive 2.48%
opening 2.16%
parliamentary 2.09%
opening + n. >>共 387
day 11.10%
ceremony 8.39%
match 6.12%
statement 5.94%
round 5.65%
game 5.12%
session 2.85%
minute 1.97%
set 1.91%
bell 1.89%
每页显示:    共 320