1.   Qatar benefited from windfall oil profits as a result of the crisis but not to the same extent as other Gulf states.

2.   Mr MacAskill claimed that the party would be able to finance the move through North Sea oil profits and other measures such as cancelling the Trident programme.

3.   Analysts warned however, that given the cyclical nature of the business, oil company profits might not hold up for the remainder of the year.

4.   And why is it a good idea to give extra billions in oil profits to Iran, Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, etc?

5.   Connecticut stocks rose to a new high this week, led by Tosco Corp. whose shares climbed amid expectations of higher oil company profits.

6.   Exxon is considered a bellwether for oil company profits, and it benefits from a huge worldwide refining operation and network of gasoline stations.

7.   Most of the increase in oil company profits, however, came from selling crude oil that the companies pumped out of the ground.

8.   Norwegian stocks have rocketed amid a surge in North Sea oil profits, which have fueled the economy.

9.   Norwegian stocks rocketed amid a surge in North Sea oil profits, which fueled the economy.

10.   Oil company profits have been rising, but mostly in production, because of the higher prices of crude oil.

n. + profit >>共 343
company 13.23%
year 7.23%
third-quarter 6.68%
first-quarter 5.86%
fourth-quarter 5.74%
second-quarter 5.09%
drug 3.68%
bank 3.38%
quarter 2.78%
windfall 2.31%
oil 1.54%
oil + n. >>共 374
company 15.46%
price 14.04%
industry 3.75%
export 2.88%
production 2.17%
stock 2.15%
producer 2.12%
refinery 2.08%
sale 2.01%
spill 1.84%
profit 0.16%
每页显示:    共 36