1.   They failed to obtain an injunction.

2.   The group has obtained an injunction to prevent the demolition of the building.

3.   Police responce ranges from total inaction to deliberate delays, and a reluctance to press charges, even in cases where injunctions have been obtained.

4.   Secondly, plaintiffs cannot obtain an injunction against a libellous publication, where the defendant indicates an intention to justify or to plead fair comment.

5.   Two councils have obtained high court injunctions in an attempt to stop an illegal rave party going ahead.

6.   And it called for new laws to help the federal agency obtain court injunctions faster to stop employers from harassment or discrimination against union members.

7.   A day later, Denel obtained an injunction forbidding any newspaper to name the buyer.

8.   A spokeswoman for the drug agency said that it could seize a product or obtain an injunction against ads that violate regulations but that those measures were rarely taken.

9.   A state legislator had managed to obtain an injunction forbidding the Bulldogs to leave the state, and that had to be dodged.

10.   But last month, the bookstore obtained an injunction that set aside the ruling.

v. + injunction >>共 100
seek 28.14%
issue 15.70%
grant 10.93%
obtain 5.47%
lift 3.60%
win 3.26%
appeal 2.44%
overturn 2.21%
get 2.09%
request 1.74%
obtain + n. >>共 1088
information 5.50%
permission 3.35%
approval 3.26%
copy 3.21%
visa 2.72%
permit 2.39%
license 2.39%
document 1.91%
loan 1.88%
money 1.27%
injunction 0.64%
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