1.   City of Darkness, City of Light is a notable achievement of historical fiction, though not a flawless one.

2.   Not withstanding such notable achievements I share some of the reservations the authors express about Wentwood Education.

3.   As president, Lyons has notable achievements.

4.   A decade later, New York is moving at-risk babies out of hospitals in about three days, a notable achievement.

5.   Crew, who came to New York from Tacoma, Wash., a year ago Wednesday, can claim some notable achievements since his arrival.

6.   Cutting taxes was her most notable achievement, but not her only one.

7.   Despite a few notable achievements, developmental chemotherapy has had only rare successes.

8.   For the second night in a row, the Bruins played a team that considered them an obstacle to a notable achievement.

9.   He did not leave behind any notable achievement that could have fixed his image to a particular deed.

10.   His most notable achievement as a legislator was writing a bill that depoliticized the process of shutting down obsolete military bases.

a. + achievement >>共 478
academic 6.09%
remarkable 3.32%
greatest 2.95%
major 2.86%
great 2.72%
crowning 2.31%
outstanding 2.12%
individual 1.98%
educational 1.71%
high 1.48%
notable 1.20%
notable + n. >>共 546
exception 17.49%
success 3.43%
absentee 2.72%
example 2.33%
feature 1.94%
difference 1.81%
absence 1.75%
achievement 1.68%
change 1.55%
player 1.30%
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