1.   All the newspapers carried the story and there was a wave of public sympathy for him.

2.   Homeless children scrounge for spare change, and newspapers carry ads from people offering their kidneys for cash.

3.   In addition all newspapers carry articles of interest such as stories on medical developments, health and safety, the environment and transport.

4.   Any enterprising Minnesota newspaper would certainly carry at least a small item on the mother who fled her children for the tree house.

5.   Belgian newspapers not only carry strips, they carry stories about them, and strips are printed in hardcover books passed down through generations.

6.   A Detroit-area gay newspaper carried a story this week in which gay activists urged a vote for McCain.

7.   All the national newspapers carry several poetry columns, and one newspaper, The Asahi Shimbun, carries a poetry column on the front page every day.

8.   British newspapers on Tuesday carried a report from Colombia that three IRA members had been arrested in Bogota on suspicion of training Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia rebels.

9.   But many newspapers Saturday carried warnings that Sharif, who earned a reputation for being impulsive in his first term as prime minister, might return to the offensive.

n. + carry >>共 1172
charge 2.72%
plane 2.63%
newspaper 1.98%
man 1.80%
police 1.48%
people 1.46%
group 1.28%
truck 1.08%
store 1.02%
ship 0.92%
newspaper + v. >>共 429
say 31.61%
report 24.99%
quote 3.93%
be 3.13%
publish 2.61%
carry 1.54%
have 1.27%
run 1.06%
give 1.04%
speculate 0.84%
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