1.   I work nights - in a news bureau, as a croupier in a nightclub, as a waitress.

2.   It worked like a news bureau.

3.   And it demands that Cuba permit unhindered distribution of anything published by news organizations that maintain a news bureau on its territory.

4.   At a minimum, the news bureaus of CNN and Time Inc. would share office space.

5.   A centerpiece of Tech Live will be news bureaus around the country, a first for TechTV.

6.   But they left the door open for additional measures aimed at promoting reform in Cuba, such as increased travel and academic exchanges, and opening news bureaus.

7.   Deciding what candidates to endorse, what news bureaus to open or close and what civic causes to promote was left solely to the discretion of Star Co. officials.

8.   It comes after Salon.com did away with its health section in November and after WebMD closed its Presidio health news bureau in September.

9.   Like other big news organizations, the Knight-Ridder newspaper chain spends millions of dollars to maintain reporters and news bureaus overseas.

10.   Pressed by the editors to open Cuba to news bureaus of American newspapers, Castro launched into a desk-pounding criticism of Western journalism.

n. + bureau >>共 169
news 5.90%
statistic 5.46%
security 4.28%
exchange 3.54%
tourism 3.54%
visitor 3.10%
immigration 2.65%
firearm 2.21%
tourist 2.06%
service 1.92%
news + n. >>共 346
report 29.04%
organization 8.59%
service 3.98%
coverage 3.86%
program 3.53%
story 3.19%
magazine 2.20%
show 1.75%
account 1.67%
broadcast 1.48%
bureau 0.25%
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