1.   France is trying to cut social-security spending to meet the criteria necessary for European Monetary Union.

2.   Since the German and French economies are in an obvious situation of convergence with the necessary criteria, adoption of the European currency can be considered a certainty.

3.   Thus, if it fulfills all the necessary practical criteria and is within budget -- go for it.

4.   Britain, Denmark and Sweden chose not to take part, while Greece did not meet the necessary economic criteria to be included.

5.   Greece was excluded because it did not meet the necessary economic criteria.

6.   He refused to reveal the names on the Golkar list but said, without elaborating, that all met the necessary criteria to be a cabinet member.

7.   It will help set legal precedent by outlining the criteria necessary to bring future cases.

8.   Ten eastern European countries have applied for admission to the E-U, but only five appear to meet the necessary criteria to join.

9.   A storm broke out earlier this week after German Finance Minister Theo Waigel ruled Italy out of participation in the single currency for not meeting the necessary financial criteria.

10.   A second round, and possible a third and fourth, will take place if none of the candidates achieve the necessary criteria to win in the first round.

a. + criterion >>共 369
strict 4.75%
economic 4.52%
different 3.60%
specific 3.37%
only 2.99%
same 2.91%
main 2.68%
new 2.45%
important 2.45%
the 2.37%
necessary 1.07%
necessary + n. >>共 1202
step 4.82%
measure 2.01%
equipment 1.94%
information 1.83%
change 1.81%
condition 1.70%
skill 1.46%
permit 1.35%
if 1.35%
document 1.31%
criterion 0.26%
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