1.   There is now growing concern, even alarm, at the multiplier effects of what we call scientific and technological progress.

2.   There must have been other factors present to account for the size of deposits created by the credit multiplier effect described earlier.

3.   As United Kingdom exports increase, there will be a multiplier effect on national income which we have not so far taken into account.

4.   This will raise aggregate demand directly and, by increasing total injections, will have a multiplier effect on income.

5.   Consequently, the fall in demand for building materials and construction workers will generate downward multiplier effects on other types of investment.

6.   A multiplier effect is at work, and these countries have kindred spirits in Africa and Asia nations, where even a hint of colonialism is abhorrent.

7.   But events as serious as this one and as silly as the rantings of Pierre Salinger suggest that the web may exert a multiplier effect.

8.   But Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research said that new satellite data were likely to point toward a strong multiplier effect for carbon dioxide.

n. + effect >>共 633
health 11.79%
knock-on 5.10%
year 2.72%
wealth 2.72%
multiplier 2.55%
take 2.49%
spillover 2.44%
contagion 2.04%
snowball 1.59%
tax 1.19%
multiplier + n. >>共 6
effect 88.24%
impact 3.92%
double-counts 1.96%
formula 1.96%
onion 1.96%
process 1.96%
每页显示:    共 45