1.   Microcirculatory disturbances of the stomach are thought to be one of the factors contributing to the development of gastric mucosal damages.

2.   Endothelin induced gastric mucosal damage was carried out as described below.

3.   These results could suggest a prominent role of tissue type plasminogen activator in the pathogenesis of endothelin induced gastric mucosal damage.

4.   The extent of mucosal damage was assessed using a modification of the colon macroscopic scoring system of Wallace et al.

5.   The changes in brush border enzymes and morphology were conspicuous within four hours, thereby showing that the mucosal damage, characteristic for coeliac disease, occurred rapidly.

a. + damage >>共 702
serious 6.76%
minor 5.55%
environmental 4.79%
extensive 4.33%
unspecified 4.14%
major 3.95%
structural 2.89%
severe 2.78%
heavy 2.58%
further 2.56%
mucosal 0.23%
mucosal + n. >>共 80
injury 9.89%
damage 8.42%
cell 7.33%
biopsy 5.86%
resistance 4.40%
surface 4.03%
concentration 3.30%
disease 2.93%
proliferation 2.93%
prolapse 2.93%
每页显示:    共 23