1.   In Turkey, the secular military pressured Erbakan, who heads an Islamist party, to crack down on displays of Islam, and has now forced his resignation.

2.   The Pentagon has asked a federal judge in Washington to dismiss the suit, but a lawyer for McSally said the military was still pressuring women to wear robes.

3.   Erbakan ran the party for three decades, but was banned from politics for five years after the military pressured him to leave office.

4.   The current center-right government replaced the Islamic-led government after the military pressured it out of power.

5.   The military has been pressuring the Welfare-led coalition government to halt its Islamization moves and curb radical religious groups.

6.   The military has pressured Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan to take steps to curb radical Islamic movements.

7.   The military has pressured several NLD elected representatives into resigning from the party.

8.   The military has pressured the Islamic-led coalition government into backing down from several religious measures.

9.   The military pressured an Islamic-led government into resigning last year.

10.   The military pressured Erbakan into resigning in July.

n. + pressure >>共 357
government 5.14%
official 4.84%
leader 2.72%
group 1.81%
forecast 1.71%
military 1.71%
community 1.71%
yen 1.71%
company 1.61%
administration 1.51%
military + v. >>共 966
say 21.05%
be 7.10%
have 3.76%
deny 2.41%
take 1.34%
refuse 1.34%
use 1.33%
claim 1.06%
launch 0.85%
begin 0.85%
pressure 0.18%
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