1.   Among the projects under consideration are highlighting the sweatshop problem in New York City and organizing nursing homes and home health care aides in Midwestern cities.

2.   Baker says his initial impression was of a quint-essentially Midwestern city that specialized in steaks.

3.   A Maine state senator told a Senate subcommittee that air pollution from Midwestern cities is blowing across the Plains, endangering the health of Maine residents.

4.   But Ms. Rocco said that by Saturday night, attendance at theaters in larger Midwestern cities had picked up.

5.   Chicago has always been a pass-through point for much of the food bound for other Midwestern cities and beyond.

6.   Costs are highest in in Western cities, lowest in rural areas and Midwestern cities.

7.   Downtown Detroit has struggled to enjoy some of the redevelopment seen by other midwestern big cities, such as Cleveland and Chicago.

8.   For Gore, the task has fallen mainly to Handgun Control, which is running commercials attacking Bush in several Midwestern cities.

9.   In many Midwestern cities, the factory is at the end of a dead-end street, bordered by slums.

10.   It would be the strongest insurer in Chicago and a number of other Midwestern cities.

a. + city >>共 756
major 7.66%
big 5.16%
southern 3.27%
northern 2.49%
large 2.04%
american 1.82%
palestinian 1.67%
largest 1.47%
the 1.37%
entire 1.31%
midwestern 0.18%
midwestern + n. >>共 260
state 17.44%
city 5.91%
farmer 4.47%
town 4.03%
battleground 2.31%
weather 2.02%
crop 1.87%
factory 1.87%
farm 1.87%
manufacturer 1.87%
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