1.   Doctors should insist on suitable procedures for medical audit as a precondition for collaboration.

2.   Increasingly we are subject to medical audit.

3.   Primary care contracts will be monitored by the purchasing authority and could include medical audit and reaccreditation in the future.

4.   The project is working to identify all the terms required for recording medical records and for other uses, such as medical audit.

5.   The second is the development of medical audit, which encourages practitioners critically to examine current practice.

6.   Many of the proposals in WFP reinforced changes that had already begun, such as resource management and medical audit, and were broadly welcomed.

7.   Pollitt compares the way medical audit is being implemented and the results used as against nursing audit, as a good illustration.

8.   Medical audit was not new, and the Royal Colleges had been increasingly active in promoting various initiatives for some years.

a. + audit >>共 215
internal 12.95%
independent 8.75%
state 3.41%
annual 3.18%
favorable 2.95%
external 2.73%
routine 2.39%
financial 2.27%
medical 2.27%
environmental 2.16%
medical + n. >>共 511
care 6.21%
treatment 5.57%
school 3.21%
supply 2.99%
expert 1.92%
center 1.90%
record 1.79%
team 1.76%
attention 1.68%
equipment 1.67%
audit 0.06%
每页显示:    共 20