1.   I am not prepared to let this matter rest.

2.   On that rather unsatisfactory agnostic note matters rested for many years until Don Patinkin published his classic work, Money, Interest and Prices.

3.   But Friedman argued that matters do not rest there.

4.   But matters should not rest here.

5.   Grey exclaims, and hopes the matter will rest there.

6.   Here the matter rests.

7.   In fact, Tillis lets the matter rest.

8.   Matters have by no means rested there.

9.   Or do they let the matter quietly rest?

10.   Others prefer to let the matter rest.

n. + rest >>共 718
decision 8.21%
defense 3.39%
prosecution 2.91%
power 2.26%
responsibility 1.90%
case 1.67%
matter 1.61%
head 1.43%
hope 1.37%
authority 1.25%
matter + v. >>共 299
be 52.09%
come 3.54%
go 3.13%
become 1.87%
have 1.75%
get 1.75%
remain 1.59%
stand 1.30%
end 1.22%
rest 1.10%
每页显示:    共 27