1.   Market forces remain free because of public imagery about the feckless, the idle and the deviant.

2.   ...opening the economy to market forces and increasing the role of private enterprise.

3.   The principle of market forces was applied to some of the countries most revered institutions.

4.   On the other hand they are not prepared to countenance the complete free rein of market forces, since the dangers of monopoly are well known.

5.   Thus, regardless of the harmonisation policies pursued by the Commission, market forces may well generate the adoption of a common level of vocational training across the EC.

6.   In such circumstances, market forces may actually come to reinforce this development and contribute to unbalanced regional growth.

7.   First, state planning and regulation of the economy inhibit its efficient operation by distorting market forces.

8.   The new classical macroeconomists are committed believers in the power of market forces, being fired with an almost evangelistic enthusiasm.

9.   Local authorities are urged to provide guidance about suitable locations for small firms, and generally not to interfere with market forces.

10.   In its draft version the report declares that market forces alone will not ensure more efficient use of energy.

n. + force >>共 195
security 40.41%
government 15.32%
peace 4.96%
rebel 4.75%
opposition 3.60%
ground 2.82%
market 2.30%
reaction 2.17%
labor 1.48%
coalition 1.31%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
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