1.   Also, some traders said a rate rise is less likely as long as the mark is strengthening against the dollar.

2.   As the mark strengthens against the dollar, German exports get more expensive -- and less competitive -- abroad, so earnings go down.

3.   Even so, further gains may be difficult, he added, because the mark could strengthen if traders see signs the monetary union could be postponed.

4.   Had the Finnish mark not strengthened as much as it has this year, sales would have been even greater, the company said.

5.   He expects the mark to strengthen against the dollar and against the yen, he said.

6.   Hirokazu Note, chief trader at Sumitomo Bank Ltd., said the mark could strengthen further after European traders step into the currency market later today.

7.   In recent weeks the mark has strengthened against other European currencies as doubts have grown over whether the new currency, the euro, will be implemented on schedule.

8.   In recent weeks, the mark strengthened on expectations that the Bundesbank would raise rates to bring them more in line with those in other prospective union members.

9.   In recent weeks, the mark strengthened on expectations that German rates would rise to bring them more in line with rates in other prospective union members.

10.   The dollar is expected to fall against the deutsche mark in coming days as the mark strengthens against European currencies.

n. + strengthen >>共 512
dollar 8.52%
peso 3.97%
yen 3.28%
economy 3.16%
government 2.42%
currency 2.24%
mark 1.96%
pressure 1.90%
storm 1.78%
move 1.38%
mark + v. >>共 239
be 24.36%
rise 7.61%
fall 5.73%
strengthen 2.91%
remain 2.74%
make 2.39%
firm 2.31%
gain 2.14%
help 1.88%
continue 1.71%
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