1.   Contracts now run for only one year, and management fees are based on rent collection and compliance with housing codes.

2.   I am a fan of index funds, especially because their management fees tend to be very low.

3.   It receives millions more in a management fee that is supposed to cover expenses not covered by contracts.

4.   There is usually an initial charge for setting up the scheme, as well as an annual management fee.

5.   The farmer provides the building, labour, gas, electricity, bedding, etc., for which he receives a management fee.

6.   Although Fidelity has repeatedly exceeded the benchmark for the growth of the fund, Robson said the state should be able to leverage lower management fees.

7.   Although the contract was terminated without cause, SNDC president Douglas Dean said the action was taken because management fees were too high and some expenditures were questionable.

8.   Amplats has stakes in and receives management fees from Rusplats, Potgietersrust Platinums Ltd. and Lebowa Platinum Mines Ltd.

9.   Apex collects management fees by renting the suites.

10.   Apparently, the financial statements provided to P.T. led her to believe the management fee was being levied by Schwab rather than her financial adviser.

n. + fee >>共 630
transfer 4.67%
management 4.35%
user 3.15%
license 3.08%
subscription 3.06%
service 2.52%
entrance 2.52%
membership 2.35%
tuition 2.30%
admission 2.27%
management + n. >>共 818
team 9.03%
company 5.76%
firm 3.59%
change 3.00%
system 2.87%
style 2.83%
consultant 2.22%
business 2.06%
fee 1.97%
plan 1.76%
每页显示:    共 177