1.   A system of peer review was also introduced to make qualitative judgments about teaching abilities.

2.   By this means events are conceptualized and interpreted, and judgments are made in the interest of better anticipating the future.

3.   Discussion of Judgment Results Subjects appeared to make judgments which were remarkably consistent with those given when actually driving.

4.   In dealing with this immediate situation, your teammate has made a judgment that you can be dominated.

5.   In my business, I often have to make snap judgments about people.

6.   People are always making moral judgments about weight loss.

7.   The senator is known for making facile judgments on current issues.

8.   When conflicts arise between perception and reasoning, the concrete operational child makes judgments based on reasoning.

9.   When conflicts arise between perception and thought, as in conservation problems, children using preoperational reasoning make judgments based on perception.

10.   We have to make a judgment about the value of their services.

v. + judgment >>共 274
make 14.72%
reserve 10.12%
pass 8.78%
withhold 5.41%
use 2.57%
cloud 2.14%
exercise 1.93%
enter 1.82%
trust 1.71%
render 1.71%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
difference 1.71%
statement 1.61%
judgment 0.17%
每页显示:    共 273