1.   Accusations of ballot-box stuffing at the neighborhood-run election were made about the meeting which nominated the new slate.

2.   Alternative energy technologies will be successfully diffused only if realistic assumptions are made about the real economic situation in the Third World.

3.   Any Decisions made about allocations are not value-free but are now based on the original assumptions about the weightings.

4.   Before describing each of the methods in greater detail, one further point can be made about them as a whole.

5.   Both the subcommittee and Mr Gingrich agree that no public comment should be made about this matter while it is still pending.

6.   Decisions still need to be made about some fundamental issues.

7.   Employees of the Strathtay bus company, which has been privatized, are concerned that drivers are about to be made redundant.

8.   Fifteen formal complaints have been made about the hospital in the past year.

9.   From this, assumptions can be made about the internal processes required to find the answer.

10.   Glasgow Cathedral - the past revealed IMPORTANT discoveries have been made about the early history of Glasgow Cathedral during recent archaeological excavations.

v. + about >>共 655
ask 15.76%
say 7.26%
tell 6.83%
do 4.60%
lie 3.00%
read 2.81%
feel 2.81%
make 1.87%
warn 1.59%
have 1.40%
make + p. >>共 99
in 33.43%
on 13.39%
from 12.47%
at 6.79%
through 4.23%
about 2.90%
during 2.79%
as 2.16%
against 2.15%
by 1.91%
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