1.   Gedge showed an extraordinary reluctance to loosen his grip on Rigby.

2.   He made a choking noise, and Marco loosened his grip fractionally.

3.   I felt a shock charge through my hand and could not loosen my grip.

4.   Richard first noticed me from across the street as he loosened his grip on the lamppost.

5.   When I loosened my grip on him he tried to run back toward Clarisa, stumbling and crawling.

6.   When the policeman loosened his grip, Biff ran away.

7.   When there is none, he loosens his grip and turns away.

8.   Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free.

9.   Besides, why seek a deal on looser Soviet control in Eastern Europe when Mr Gorbachev is already loosening his grip?

10.   The redistribution of seats and the extension of the franchise helped loosen the grip of the aristocracy and of ministers on the House of Commons.

v. + grip >>共 131
lose 18.12%
tighten 16.28%
get 12.25%
loosen 7.47%
have 4.03%
maintain 3.69%
keep 3.27%
strengthen 3.10%
relax 2.94%
release 2.43%
loosen + n. >>共 290
restriction 10.16%
grip 7.86%
control 6.45%
rule 5.48%
tie 5.12%
regulation 3.62%
policy 3.27%
rein 2.03%
soil 1.77%
hold 1.68%
每页显示:    共 88