1.   He compared Fox to Francisco Madero, who began the Mexican Revolution by overthrowing longtime dictator Porfirio Diaz.

2.   Kabila was able to depose longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko with the help of troops provided by the now Tutsi-dominated government of Rwanda.

3.   That rebellion succeeded the next year, toppling Mobutu Sese Seko, the longtime dictator of the nation then known as Zaire.

4.   The deal flowed from an agreement reached last June between Carter and longtime North Korean dictator, Kim Il Sung, who died the following month.

5.   The first crisis culminated in the overthrow last month of the longtime dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko in Congo, the former Zaire.

6.   The longtime dictator has been in France receiving treatment for cancer.

7.   Yet each tiny step has been resisted by Kim Jong Il, son and successor to the longtime dictator Kim Il Sung, who died three years ago.

8.   Zaire is plunging into political crisis as the health of its longtime dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko, deteriorates.

9.   Angolan forces also intervened earlier this year to help Kabila oust longtime dictator President Mobutu Sese Seko in a seven-month battle for power.

10.   Angola also helped Kabila to overthrow Mobutu Sese Seko, longtime dictator in the former Zaire.

a. + dictator >>共 260
former 30.99%
late 8.97%
military 6.93%
chilean 5.13%
communist 3.51%
longtime 3.13%
soviet 2.66%
iraqi 1.85%
fascist 1.85%
zairian 1.85%
longtime + n. >>共 1033
friend 12.74%
resident 4.05%
ally 3.43%
rival 2.78%
supporter 2.24%
coach 2.05%
member 1.74%
fan 1.64%
leader 1.44%
critic 1.38%
dictator 1.04%
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