1.   American scientists will join Russian and Norwegian colleagues in developing safe storage containers for reactor fuel elements and a new method of liquid waste processing based on Russian technology.

2.   At Hanford, vast amounts of highly radioactive liquid wastes remain in leaky underground storage tanks, and some of the tanks are potentially explosive.

3.   Because only the solid waste is used in the pellets, much of the liquid waste is filtered into a lagoon.

4.   BNFL is meant to solidify the liquid waste into blocks of glass to make it safer, but technical problems are holding up the process.

5.   But the volume of the liquid wastes left by reprocessing occupies about six times the space that the fuel did.

6.   Liquid waste was mixed with cement and injected deep into shale formations, where the mix spread out into thin pancakes.

7.   Liquid waste arises when factories take highly irradiated fuel rods and mine them for such valuables as plutonium, which can fuel nuclear bombs and reactors.

8.   Normally farmers are not allowed to spray the liquid waste onto already soaked fields.

9.   Other material at Hanford, such as spent reactor fuel and potentially explosive liquid wastes, are considered more hazardous.

10.   That will produce liquid waste.

a. + waste >>共 402
nuclear 23.00%
radioactive 11.47%
toxic 11.12%
human 3.70%
industrial 3.54%
solid 2.50%
low-level 1.96%
high-level 1.77%
animal 1.71%
liquid 1.42%
liquid + n. >>共 471
form 4.77%
nitrogen 4.57%
asset 4.51%
water 4.38%
waste 2.90%
oxygen 2.00%
hydrogen 1.93%
fuel 1.80%
diet 1.74%
fertilizer 1.55%
每页显示:    共 45