1.   She pulled some lip balm out of her pocketbook.

2.   Also apply a lip balm with full protection repeatedly throughout the day.

3.   American Home makes products such as Advil painkiller and Chap Stick lip balm.

4.   Any over-the-counter lip balm will do.

5.   Also great are her travel items and aromatherapy lip balms and massage oil.

6.   Dr. Carl Washington, a dermatologist at Emory Clinic, said commercial lip balms are recommended over lotions and oils, but that anything is better than nothing.

7.   Fitness magazine reports on a new nighttime lip balm with red tint and on Brighten Up, Tighten Up, a concealer and moisturizer to be worn while sleeping.

8.   Fifty women sipped homemade honey wine and chatted while trying on dresses in one corner, accessories in another and buying lip balm in a third.

9.   For instance, minimal mascara and lip balm are considered fine.

10.   Last month, the makers of nicotine lollipops and nicotine lip balm were ordered to cease sales by the Food and Drug Administration.

n. + balm >>共 8
lip 78.13%
after-shave 3.13%
aromatherapy 3.13%
brand 3.13%
heat 3.13%
loosen-up 3.13%
muscle 3.13%
nicotine 3.13%
lip + n. >>共 76
gloss 15.81%
balm 11.63%
color 7.44%
pencil 6.51%
line 5.58%
liner 4.65%
movement 3.72%
curl 1.86%
product 1.86%
ring 1.86%
每页显示:    共 25