1.   This restructuring legislation does make some significant improvements in tax administration.

2.   The legislation makes it clear that peasant migration was no new phenomenon, only that the new bout produced by Viking activity was causing some headaches for landlords.

3.   This legislation makes it an offence to sell or keep for sale food which is unfit or injurious to health.

4.   But he advised caution beyond the point of planning permission, because new environmental legislation makes it essential to seek expert advice.

5.   Mr Shephard would like legislation to make sure that anglers act responsibly and compassionately.

6.   And Congress is considering legislation to make it a federal crime to obtain financial information from banks by pretending to be someone else.

7.   Babcock and others objected that the bill denied them their traditional right to an investigation when they filed a complaint because the legislation makes such probes optional.

8.   Because the legislation would make some of the largest changes to federal housing policy in many years, the negotiations have often bogged down over political and symbolic issues.

9.   Bush education advisers are concerned that without the vouchers program, the proposed legislation will not make schools accountable for their performance.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
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rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
legislation 0.16%
legislation + v. >>共 566
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allow 3.77%
require 3.60%
pass 3.26%
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