1.   Southerners, led by Garang and other English-speaking leaders of the Dinka ethnic group, launched a rebellion.

2.   The Zapatistas launched their rebellion on the same day that the trade agreement went into effect.

3.   A rebel coalition of Tutsi fighters, former Kabila supporters and disaffected government soldiers launched the rebellion in early August, accusing Kabila of corruption and ethnic favoritism.

4.   Biswas also accused Nasim of launching a rebellion in the military against the government and ordering his loyalists to march from garrisons outside Dhaka toward the capital.

5.   Claiming discrimination despite ethnic diversity in the government, ethnic Albanian militants launched a rebellion in February, triggering fears of another Balkan war.

6.   Claiming discrimination, ethnic Albanian militants launched a rebellion in February, triggering fears of another Balkan war.

7.   Congo government and rebel forces have both launched ambitious radio campaigns claiming battlefield victories since Tutsi forces launched the rebellion earlier this month.

8.   Deputies of junior coalition partner True Path Party have launched a rebellion against leader Tansu Ciller to force her to dissolve the alliance.

9.   Deputies of the pro-Western True Path Party launched a rebellion to force their leader, Tansu Ciller, to dissolve the coalition partnership.

10.   Disaffected members of his armed forces banded together with ethnic Tutsi insurgents earlier this year and launched a rebellion, accusing the president of corruption, nepotism and tribalism.

v. + rebellion >>共 180
crush 9.23%
end 6.98%
lead 5.11%
launch 4.49%
face 4.24%
foment 3.74%
quell 3.37%
support 2.87%
join 2.49%
quash 2.37%
launch + n. >>共 470
attack 12.43%
investigation 7.89%
campaign 6.22%
offensive 4.03%
satellite 2.49%
operation 2.25%
inquiry 2.05%
search 2.00%
series 1.80%
crackdown 1.78%
rebellion 0.31%
每页显示:    共 36