1.   He portrays the Americans advancing north, despite intelligence information that large numbers of Chinese troops had infiltrated the Korean border region.

2.   The accord defused high-stakes saber-rattling across both sides of the heavily militarized Korean border.

3.   They also did not want to preclude the use of mines in certain situations like defense of the Korean border.

4.   Panmunjom is an oval-shaped hamlet straddling the Korean border.

5.   Pentagon officials have said the tens of thousands of mines placed along the Korean border are essential to defending against a possible invasion from the communist North.

6.   A retired army general, Chu once served as chief negotiator with U.N. delegates at the Korean border village of Panmunjom.

7.   After the war, the Korean border was closed down.

8.   An exemption for U.S. mines on the Korean border would give other countries the right to claim they have similar security needs for comparable exemptions, Evans said.

9.   He also is to pay a courtesy call on President Kim Young-sam and visit the Korean border before leaving Thursday.

10.   Gunfire exchanged on Korean border.

a. + border >>共 566
russian 3.66%
israeli 3.38%
disputed 3.37%
northern 2.77%
common 2.68%
pakistani 2.15%
albanian 2.14%
thai 2.04%
canadian 1.97%
mexican 1.96%
korean 0.30%
korean + n. >>共 820
peninsula 15.18%
company 5.09%
government 2.72%
bank 2.54%
peace 1.44%
official 1.31%
conflict 1.26%
economy 1.21%
woman 1.03%
law 0.98%
border 0.93%
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