1.   For years they were greeted with a filthy snigger and a knowing wink.

2.   A Calderon cartoon that had readers laughing and exchanging knowing winks shows two policemen outside a patrol unit.

3.   Bryant glanced over, gave a knowing wink and did what he does best.

4.   But such a knowing wink from the mainstream often spells the death of cool for an underground trend.

5.   He takes us through the four installments like a favorite uncle, offering the occasional knowing wink in the manner of one who has first-hand knowledge.

6.   He uses them to reflect and explore the films, not to send us those knowing musical winks that accompany so much new music when it displays eclectic influences.

7.   His obvious affection for his medium gives the show a knowing wink, rather than a frigid leer.

8.   Once the subject of sexy smirks and knowing winks, massage has gained credibility as a respectable career.

9.   Sometimes she throws in a knowing wink.

10.   The Dinka have accepted them with a knowing wink.

a. + wink >>共 47
knowing 16.46%
conspiratorial 6.33%
big 3.80%
ironic 3.80%
occasional 3.80%
quick 3.80%
discreet 2.53%
broad 2.53%
go-ahead 2.53%
casual 2.53%
knowing + n. >>共 107
smile 15.07%
look 7.31%
wink 5.94%
nod 4.11%
grin 3.20%
eye 2.74%
glance 2.74%
chuckle 1.83%
laugh 1.83%
way 1.83%
每页显示:    共 13