1.   The cattle are kept in a large circular enclosure.

2.   The cattle are kept in a large enclosure surrounded by a circular fence.

3.   The Spanish were the first to keep cattle in the American deserts.

4.   Cattle are kept for meat and milk.

5.   Before they are slaughtered the cattle are kept in small holding pens where they often stand in excrement and dirt up to their bellies.

6.   Cattle futures have remained steady, though, mainly because ranchers keep moving cattle into feedlots, where they stay for months before being slaughtered.

7.   During the warmer months, some ranchers keep young cattle on grass to fatten them to market weight, rather than selling them to feedlots.

8.   Ewing had just learned that the Forest Service plans to keep cattle off the Lone fire range for at least two years, maybe five.

9.   Feedlot operators keep cattle on a high-protein diet for about four months, when they reach market-ready weights.

10.   Fuller Warren won the governorship promising to keep cattle off the state highways.

v. + cattle >>共 232
raise 9.19%
kill 5.42%
slaughter 3.65%
sell 3.18%
herd 3.06%
feed 2.71%
fatten 2.47%
graze 2.47%
keep 2.36%
infect 2.24%
keep + n. >>共 1280
eye 3.35%
job 1.84%
inflation 1.55%
promise 1.50%
record 1.49%
peace 1.48%
people 1.41%
watch 1.18%
control 1.14%
distance 1.13%
cattle 0.06%
每页显示:    共 20