1.   Teacher and pupil, even primary school pupil, were equal partners in this joint exploration.

2.   They also agreed on joint mineral exploration ventures in Kirgizstan.

3.   De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. and a Chinese state-run company said they have signed an agreement for the joint exploration and mining of diamonds in China.

4.   NASA is also working closely with Moscow on the possibility of joint explorations of the planet Mars.

5.   So what has Mustonen found in his joint explorations of Bach and Shostakovich?

6.   A Chinese petroleum official said the project could usher in more joint exploration and petrochemical agreements.

7.   Chang Tzu-yuan, head of the Taiwanese company, has said oil industries should set aside political disputes and cooperate on joint exploration.

8.   Differences over exploiting oil and gas along their common border in the South China Sea were settled in an agreement on joint exploration.

9.   Earlier Wednesday, Clarke met with President Carlos Menem to discuss an understanding on joint exploration for oil and gas in the waters surrounding the disputed Falkland Islands.

10.   In September, President Carlos Menem and Prime Minister John Major signed an memo of understanding on joint exploration for oil in the waters surrounding the islands.

a. + exploration >>共 324
further 7.08%
mineral 4.53%
new 3.68%
joint 2.97%
gold 2.12%
future 1.70%
planetary 1.70%
scientific 1.42%
seismic 1.27%
foreign 1.13%
joint + n. >>共 610
statement 8.30%
exercise 4.48%
effort 3.37%
commission 3.03%
project 2.93%
session 2.63%
operation 2.62%
committee 2.40%
meeting 1.80%
patrol 1.67%
exploration 0.18%
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