1.   Several dissidents were jailed for leading protests that the government branded as seditious.

2.   A few years ago an outspoken U.S. ambassador, Smith Hempstone, publicly criticized Kenya every time it shut down a newspaper or jailed a dissident.

3.   Radio shows crackle with stories about Cuban political prisoners and jailed dissidents.

4.   The Chinese have hardly cooperated, jailing more dissidents even as Clinton argued that economic freedom would eventually produce political freedom.

5.   The country maintains its death writ on author Salman Rushdie and routinely jails outspoken dissidents like Iranian writer Ali Akbar Saidi Sirjani, who died in detention last November.

6.   China jails dissidents on national security grounds, and Hong Kong worries that the same could apply here after the handover.

7.   Chinese authorities have jailed most dissidents or run them out of the capital during the conference in an attempt to prevent protests and contacts with conference delegates.

8.   Dissidents were jailed or just disappeared.

9.   Economic development is frequently used as a pretext to silence the media, to harass the opposition, to crack down on unions and to jail dissidents.

10.   For four decades they ruled with an iron hand, jailing dissidents and suppressing calls for independence.

v. + dissident >>共 188
release 6.54%
detain 5.10%
arrest 5.10%
jail 3.19%
free 2.71%
imprison 2.23%
include 2.07%
take 2.07%
support 1.91%
prevent 1.75%
jail + n. >>共 247
man 8.00%
leader 4.28%
people 4.06%
journalist 3.49%
member 3.16%
suspect 2.48%
opponent 2.37%
hundred 2.25%
dissident 2.25%
official 2.25%
每页显示:    共 20