1.   A more specific example of how the culture of work profoundly influences the industrial worker is around the issue of assessment.

2.   All the issues of survival that we have discussed above must be subordinated to this ultimate imperative.

3.   Also, of course, a trust is at liberty to raise new capital by an issue of additional ordinary or debenture shares.

4.   And building it leads directly to the issue of management systems.

5.   And by the fourth issue of Oz the plaudits were beginning to outnumber the brickbats.

6.   And his family is deeply unhappy and divided over political and social issues of the day.

7.   Apart from these demographic characteristics of informal care-giving, in other important respects it remains an issue of central importance to women.

8.   As a minimum, each issue of the publication would require another letter written for the occasion as information is requested again.

9.   As parents age, the issue of role reversal becomes more prominent.

10.   As the campaign picks up speed, the issue of character is likely to become more prominent.

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number 2.42%
thousand 1.43%
hundred 1.22%
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with 6.75%
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