1.   A glance at the provisions of the Convention makes interesting reading.

2.   I already have five extremely amusing stories and I know these would make very interesting reading.

3.   The guidance, when it appears, should make interesting reading.

4.   The latest report on educational standards in our schools makes very interesting reading.

5.   The report I commissioned on you makes for interesting reading.

6.   The story of their journey makes interesting reading.

7.   There was further very interesting reading in the U.S. golfing magazine.

8.   This, unlike the first one, makes interesting reading, and is referred to continually.

9.   An assessment of the likely consequences for Britain if Congress rejected the loan makes interesting reading.

a. + reading >>共 651
first 6.19%
second 4.34%
positive 2.63%
interesting 2.34%
accurate 1.46%
false 1.37%
required 1.32%
public 1.17%
third 1.17%
good 1.17%
interesting + n. >>共 1038
thing 4.24%
question 3.35%
story 2.11%
people 1.81%
feature 1.61%
character 1.42%
way 1.40%
part 1.38%
aspect 1.26%
fact 1.19%
reading 1.10%
每页显示:    共 48