1.   Again standard forms can be used and copies should be sent to all interested parties.

2.   All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting.

3.   As far as we are aware, at present, this title has been agreed by all interested parties.

4.   At the other end of the political spectrum, some left-leaning think tanks take money from interested parties.

5.   Four reports were published, backed up by a series of duplicated reports which were circulated to interested parties.

6.   I have photos if any interested party would care to have a preview.

7.   Indeed it would be quite absurd if companies can not correct any mistake if all interested parties agree.

8.   Information memoranda should not be sent to interested parties until a signed confidentiality letter has been received.

9.   Interested parties should contact the training centre for details.

a. + party >>共 541
political 20.02%
ruling 7.57%
the 4.30%
new 2.54%
warring 2.01%
governing 1.90%
main 1.74%
small 1.41%
smaller 1.38%
communist 1.27%
interested 1.04%
interested + n. >>共 183
party 35.61%
buyer 4.92%
company 3.96%
country 3.10%
team 3.10%
investor 2.78%
group 2.57%
bidder 2.03%
observer 1.82%
user 1.60%
每页显示:    共 331