1.   Aims are to reduce outstanding debt and achieve low interest payments.

2.   Bond buyers will demand higher interest payments to offset the fear of rising inflation.

3.   Companies pay corporation tax calculated on their taxable profits after allowance for interest payments and depreciation.

4.   He was having trouble meeting the interest payments.

5.   If they just make a straight currency exchange, they will still be liable for the yen interest payments.

6.   In combination with interest payments, bond investors pocketed the third best annual total return since Calvin Coolidge was president.

7.   Investors in each tranche received interest payments.

8.   Million dollar interest payments will be due in two years.

9.   Normally rising interest rates will depress the price of gilts by making their fixed interest payments less attractive to investors.

n. + payment >>共 440
interest 13.85%
debt 7.05%
cash 4.87%
mortgage 4.71%
dividend 4.33%
tax 4.08%
welfare 3.68%
support 2.25%
loan 2.15%
royalty 2.09%
interest + n. >>共 284
payment 31.90%
income 9.07%
section 7.58%
charge 5.58%
cost 5.31%
expense 5.13%
deduction 2.63%
rate 1.95%
margin 1.86%
level 1.23%
每页显示:    共 699