1.   Earlier this month the IRA offered instead to permit international inspectors to verify that it had put some of its arms caches out of service.

2.   For two years, international inspectors verify, Pyongyang has kept its pledge not to reprocess spent nuclear fuel and extract plutonium for use in bombs.

3.   He offers low-level diplomatic talks with North Korea in exchange for its vows to halt its alleged nuclear weapons program and allow international inspectors to verify the freeze.

4.   The inspectors have never verified that assertion.

5.   To achieve such a breakthrough, he was willing to put plutonium reprocessing on hold and allow international inspectors to verify that.

6.   U.N. inspectors have verified that North Korea has stopped building two nuclear reactors, as called for by the pact.

7.   EU officials have complained that Israel has refused to allow European custom inspectors verify documents or visit suspect export companies, as foreseen in the trade agreement.

8.   In Tokyo, the head of a U.N. agency said North Korea has been maintaining the freeze, which is being verified by inspectors from his organization.

9.   Iraq claims to have done so, but refuses to allow U.N. inspectors to verify that.

10.   Iraq has said that it has complied with the conditions, but has refused to allow U.N. inspectors to verify the claim.

n. + verify >>共 155
inspector 14.12%
official 6.78%
investigator 3.11%
expert 3.11%
authority 2.54%
company 1.98%
agency 1.98%
police 1.98%
scientist 1.98%
employer 1.69%
inspector + v. >>共 490
say 8.96%
be 8.73%
certify 5.73%
find 5.45%
have 3.56%
return 3.28%
visit 2.42%
leave 2.14%
accuse 1.42%
verify 1.39%
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