1.   A second catheter was inserted into the internal jugular veing to give drugs intravenously.

2.   After a midline abdominal incision, a catheter was inserted through the gall bladder fundus into the lumen and tied in position to prevent any leakage.

3.   Catheters were inserted into the femoral artery and vein for blood pressure recordings and drug administration, respectively.

4.   A catheter is inserted, and the brain suctioned out.

5.   A small catheter is inserted into the damaged vein, where it delivers radiofrequency energy to the vein wall.

6.   After Tanner was given a sedative, a catheter was inserted into an artery in his umbilical cord.

7.   Dr. Ramirez inserted a catheter and drew out almost a liter of bloody fluid.

8.   Doctors insert a catheter into an artery in the upper thigh and snake it through the circulatory system up to the clot in the heart.

9.   Essentially, patients run out of veins to use and in some cases permanent catheters must be inserted.

v. + catheter >>共 49
insert 24.80%
thread 11.20%
use 8.00%
remove 4.80%
place 4.00%
manufacture 3.20%
snake 2.40%
have 1.60%
attach 1.60%
implant 1.60%
insert + n. >>共 513
gene 5.30%
tube 5.30%
needle 3.18%
pin 3.04%
provision 2.97%
screw 2.62%
catheter 2.19%
language 2.12%
card 1.91%
stent 1.70%
每页显示:    共 31