1.   Also insect pests and diseases increase when the same crops are grown year after year.

2.   Many birds nest and sleep in hedges and eat insect pests.

3.   Plants under stress from drought, disease or nutrient deficiency are the most likely to attract insect pests.

4.   Smaller birds that prey on insect pests also raid fruit crops, which must be netted.

5.   The house longhorn beetle is another insect pest which seems to be confined to parts of Hampshire and south-west Surrey.

6.   Some plants already possess genetic resistance to attacks by insect pests while others resist certain fungal diseases.

7.   And they perform a lot of helpful services to the flora of San Juan Island, since they reduce the population of aphids, caterpillars and other insect pests.

8.   And vineyards have hired Pieschel to aim her goats at thickets of wild blackberry, which can harbor sharpshooters, an insect pest that also attacks grapes.

9.   Bizarre as it sounds their technique is actually raising yields by giving the insect pests something else to chew on besides maize.

a. + pest >>共 157
insect 15.07%
major 5.48%
integrated 4.66%
garden 3.01%
agricultural 3.01%
common 3.01%
exotic 1.92%
local 1.64%
biological 1.37%
new 1.37%
insect + n. >>共 172
pest 10.11%
bite 8.82%
repellent 7.72%
infestation 4.78%
larva 4.04%
damage 3.31%
species 3.31%
population 3.13%
life 2.57%
problem 2.02%
每页显示:    共 55