1.   The gunmen kept firing and bullets went through the victim, injuring the youth trapped underneath him.

2.   As the chase began, several fist fights broke out, and some youths were injured by rocks and bottles.

3.   Of those, two youths were injured seriously but none died.

4.   One youth was injured by a rubber bullet and taken to the hospital before the unrest subsided.

5.   A group of skinheads attacked and injured three youths attending a Lutheran church convention in this eastern city, police said Friday.

6.   Also Saturday, five Israeli youths were injured in a mortar shell attack on a Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip.

7.   An army statement said an Arab youth was seriously injured in Jenin Saturday when troops dispersed a large crowd blocking a main artery in the city with burning tires.

8.   An army statement said an Arab youth was seriously injured when troops dispersed a large rioting crowd in the West Bank town of Jenin.

9.   At least one youth was injured when a police baton hit him in the head.

10.   Eleven Palestinian youths were slightly injured Thursday in clashes with Israeli soldiers over the building of an industrial park near a Jewish settlement.

v. + youth >>共 421
arrest 6.52%
kill 3.43%
charge 2.81%
spend 2.61%
injure 2.33%
see 2.13%
shoot 1.78%
detain 1.78%
chase 1.44%
wound 1.37%
injure + n. >>共 352
people 25.24%
soldier 5.22%
policeman 4.06%
person 3.26%
man 2.52%
knee 2.29%
officer 2.10%
civilian 2.07%
woman 2.04%
dozen 1.99%
youth 0.30%
每页显示:    共 34