1.   If you inject drugs, it is best to keep your own set of works and never share.

2.   Most heroin users prefer to inject the drug.

3.   People who share equipment for injecting drugs are at risk of contracting HIV.

4.   Some one else will inject lethal drugs into his bloodstream.

5.   The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.

6.   The rest were mainly infected as a result of injecting drugs and sharing needles.

7.   The drug is injected directly into the bloodstream.

8.   Mr Mackie claimed he had later progressed to heroin and that Murray had again injected the drug to him.

9.   Methadone has been prescribed in Edinburgh for the past few years in an effort to control the spread of AIDS by offering people an alternative to injecting drugs.

v. + drug >>共 389
use 10.78%
take 10.37%
sell 4.55%
develop 3.42%
approve 2.71%
prescribe 2.63%
fight 2.47%
find 2.28%
smuggle 1.79%
buy 1.74%
inject 0.78%
inject + n. >>共 491
drug 5.35%
life 3.86%
money 3.79%
capital 3.59%
fund 3.04%
cell 2.10%
cash 1.83%
patient 1.83%
heroin 1.69%
note 1.62%
每页显示:    共 79