1.   The higher stakes have increased the temptation to overload the inflatable speedboats, called Zodiacs.

2.   Bullimore swam from underneath the Global Exide Challenger after the crew of an inflatable Zodiac speedboat from the HMAS Adelaide knocked on the hull.

3.   Four inflatable speedboats carrying a total of eight activists were launched just before the commando raid, Greenpeace said.

4.   France seized and still holds both ships, the helicopter and several inflatable speedboats that invaded the atoll.

5.   French military authorities intercepted two Greenpeace activists in an inflatable speedboat Tuesday as they approached a drilling rig at the French nuclear test site at Fangataufa Atoll.

6.   French military authorities intercepted two Greenpeace activists in an inflatable speedboat Tuesday as they approached a drilling rig in the French nuclear testing grounds in the South Pacific.

7.   Greenpeace is planning further raids at Mururoa Atoll to protest French testing despite losing the two vessels, nine inflatable speedboats boats and a helicopter to the French military.

8.   The frigate veered off course Friday to avoid meeting an inflatable speedboat Greenpeace sent back with a letter of protest.

9.   When the third warning was heeded, more than a dozen armed officers sped from the Terra Nova to the Pacifico aboard two inflatable speedboats.

10.   Greenpeace-France announced in Paris the divers reached the platform from one of nine zodiac inflatable speedboats launched from Rainbow Warrior before it was detained.

a. + speedboat >>共 43
inflatable 19.40%
navy 5.97%
waiting 5.97%
high-powered 4.48%
italian 2.99%
separate 2.99%
small 2.99%
south_korean 2.99%
dangerously-overloaded 1.49%
drug-smuggling 1.49%
inflatable + n. >>共 159
boat 14.90%
dinghy 7.45%
raft 6.01%
slide 3.61%
doll 3.13%
speedboat 3.13%
structure 1.92%
kayak 1.92%
chair 1.44%
module 1.44%
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