1.   There is a certain amount of evidence to suggest that local Tory leaders played a part in inciting the unrest.

2.   But today he is in a labor camp, accused of organizing illegal assemblies and inciting unrest in this depressed industrial city.

3.   Even an official United Nations report speculated that the cold and scarcity of food could incite social unrest.

4.   Israeli officials have accused Palestinian TV of inciting unrest during the recent months of violence by devoting extensive airtime to graphic footage of clashes and casualties.

5.   It has accused U.N. peacekeepers of being involved in teen-age prostitution and of spreading rumors to incite unrest in the countryside.

6.   A leading Shiite opposition leader, Sheik Abdul-Ameer al-Jamri, is currently on trial on charges of spying and inciting unrest against the ruling family.

7.   Al-Jamri was warned earlier in the week, along with seven other preachers, not to incite unrest by delivering fiery sermons in mosques.

8.   Authorities took a calculated risk in freeing her, after previously expressing fears she would incite mass unrest.

9.   Given its tremendous diversity, Indonesia has always been wary of ethnic and religious issues being used to incite unrest.

v. + unrest >>共 193
quell 7.56%
foment 6.28%
spark 5.95%
cause 4.59%
prevent 4.10%
incite 4.10%
trigger 3.94%
fear 3.22%
provoke 3.06%
report 2.65%
incite + n. >>共 200
violence 17.17%
riot 9.31%
hatred 8.22%
unrest 6.17%
protest 3.26%
people 3.26%
crowd 3.02%
attack 2.30%
murder 1.69%
public 1.45%
每页显示:    共 51