1.   In doing so it can go a long way towards lifting the depression which has afflicted too many teachers in recent years.

2.   In doing so they will not only be dealing with grief and loss, but also rethinking their own daily living arrangements.

3.   In doing so they also indirectly test the strong form efficiency of the stock market by measuring the ability of the market professionals to consistently make excess profits.

4.   In doing so they have reinforced and theorised a traditional Western cultural opposition between nature and culture.

5.   But in doing so they have a way of painting the pope as a passive observer.

6.   In doing so they unfairly include many people who hold conservative or fundamental beliefs.

7.   In doing so, however, they inflame the anger that sparked militancy in the first place.

8.   In doing so, though, the researchers have answered questions about neutrino behavior and the fate of the universe.

9.   In doing so, the companies pass the higher cost of funds on to their customers.

10.   In doing so the Swiss have debased the whole notion of neutrality.

a. + doing >>共 126
wrong 11.64%
in 7.76%
good 4.31%
strange 4.31%
big 3.45%
comfortable 2.59%
well 2.59%
busy 1.72%
evil 1.72%
otherwise 1.72%
in + n. >>共 1072
mind 4.47%
fact 3.66%
case 3.42%
time 2.43%
term 1.80%
order 1.68%
way 1.53%
place 1.41%
addition 1.32%
year 1.29%
doing 0.54%
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