1.   These gold bugs think you want gold standards, because they impose discipline, but who can complain?

2.   Their retention could therefore be a liability in terms of legal discovery and Regulatory Authority investigations unless some strong discipline were imposed.

3.   Analysts say Drosdick has imposed more discipline on managers, forcing them to make forecasts, revise them, and review their progress.

4.   And it will force state government to impose fiscal discipline on itself, Bundgaard said.

5.   Beyond that, President Vladimir Putin must impose professional discipline on Russian military forces.

6.   A muscular, tobacco-chewing man with his initials tattooed on a forearm, Bonnette brought several Angola colleagues with him to impose better discipline.

7.   Broadly speaking, stabilization grants are intended to help recipients impose financial discipline and institute long-range planning.

8.   Bowles imposed a discipline that was lacking in the early years of the Clinton presidency, which has led to a more temperate intellectual climate.

9.   But he said the overall tone of the report, in portraying the Federal Reserve as lax in imposing budget discipline, was wrong.

10.   But the poor Japanese did not impose fiscal discipline on us.

v. + discipline >>共 240
impose 7.29%
maintain 6.56%
enforce 5.63%
have 5.21%
face 3.96%
lack 3.65%
instill 3.13%
show 2.60%
restore 2.60%
require 2.29%
impose + n. >>共 574
sanction 18.02%
restriction 6.67%
curfew 5.58%
ban 4.45%
penalty 3.65%
limit 3.18%
control 2.87%
tax 2.81%
fine 2.50%
rule 2.34%
discipline 0.78%
每页显示:    共 70