1.   A number of important topics will be on the agenda for discussion.

2.   Are children writing on their own important topics most of the time?

3.   He has traveled widely, lecturing on such obscure but important topics as cryptography, intellectual property and cognitive theory.

4.   In ocean dynamics studies, important topics are heat storage, circulation and the role of sea ice.

5.   It encourages discussion of important topics that are vital to the long-term health of our society.

6.   So far, research into psychoneuroimmunology has done no more than scratch the surface of this potentially important topic.

7.   The book contains a number of excellent reviews on a wide range of important topics.

8.   The legal team will discuss a number of important topics.

9.   This very important topic receives detailed treatment in a later chapter.

10.   The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry.

a. + topic >>共 549
hot 12.51%
main 6.86%
major 4.58%
sensitive 4.20%
specific 2.52%
key 2.21%
controversial 1.98%
important 1.68%
particular 1.49%
popular 1.41%
important + n. >>共 921
thing 5.53%
role 4.50%
part 3.91%
issue 3.80%
step 2.31%
factor 2.27%
point 1.31%
question 1.28%
source 1.28%
element 1.01%
topic 0.19%
每页显示:    共 44