1.   Impaired peristalsis was defined as a mean pressure outside the lower limite of normal for that level.

2.   Oesophageal endoscopy was unremarkable in patients with normal peristalsis, whereas all patients with impaired peristalsis had oesophagitis.

3.   Oesophageal sensitivity to acid was preserved in patients with impaired peristalsis and oesophagitis.

4.   Reflux symptoms lasted longer in patients with prolonged oesophageal acid exposure but were still reported for a small fraction of the total acid exposure time.

5.   We proposed that acid clearance time would be delayed in patients with impaired peristalsis and that the delay in clearance would be correlated with acid exposure time.

6.   Endoscopy was normal in patients of group I, whereas all patients with impaired peristalsis had oesophagitis.

7.   Two patients with impaired peristalsis and oesophagitis reported a history of symptoms but not during the study period.

8.   Symptoms during overnight pH monitoring lasted significantly longer in patients with impaired peristalsis and oesophagitis than in patients with normal peristalsis and no oesophagitis.

9.   Oesophagitis was seen only in the group with impaired peristalsis, confirming the close association between a change in oesophageal motility and injury of oesophageal mucosa.

10.   Moreover, the nature, duration, and severity of symptoms during acid perfusion were similar in patients with or without impaired peristalsis.

a. + peristalsis >>共 6
impaired 50.00%
failed 18.18%
normal 18.18%
ineffective 4.55%
initial 4.55%
natural 4.55%
impaired + n. >>共 110
vision 12.17%
people 7.60%
hearing 4.56%
peristalsis 4.18%
driver 3.42%
function 3.04%
oesophageal 2.28%
child 1.90%
judgment 1.90%
mobility 1.90%
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