1.   The government called for an immediate halt to the fighting.

2.   Conservationists are calling for an immediate halt to the clearing, in the hope that the remaining forest will be able to regenerate.

3.   Apple is seeking an immediate halt to distribution of Microsoft products containing the code and unspecified damages.

4.   A diplomatic effort was foiled Friday when the UN Security Council overwhelmingly defeated a Russian resolution demanding an immediate halt to the airstrikes.

5.   Defense lawyers said Wednesday that they would ask the European court to order an immediate halt in the Turkish appeal process.

6.   It is equipped with two types of brakes, one that brings the board to an immediate halt and another that slows it down gradually.

7.   Jospin also pledged an immediate halt to privatizing state-owned companies.

8.   President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, one of the closest U.S. allies in the Arab world, called for an immediate halt to the strikes.

9.   President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, one of the closest American allies in the Arab world, called for an immediate halt to the strikes.

10.   Russia introduced a UN Security Council resolution Thursday demanding an immediate halt to the attacks.

a. + halt >>共 122
immediate 16.77%
temporary 12.69%
abrupt 8.98%
screeching 8.38%
complete 5.51%
grinding 4.43%
trading 4.43%
virtual 3.95%
sudden 3.35%
bombing 3.23%
immediate + n. >>共 595
comment 12.38%
report 6.60%
word 4.50%
reaction 4.07%
plan 3.17%
response 3.13%
confirmation 2.33%
future 1.97%
claim 1.63%
effect 1.62%
halt 0.61%
每页显示:    共 139