1.   Subscribers have the chance to ignore unwanted calls but can also use the system to record the numbers of recent callers when they are away from their homes.

2.   We found them and my paddle with the other instructor getting a lecture on what to do if you see your friend drowning and not ignoring sos calls.

3.   Arafat has ignored those calls.

4.   Baldinelli said the company virtually ignored calls for help both from the captain and the Coast Guard.

5.   But Clinton appeared more determined than wounded as he pledged to ignore calls for his resignation and press on to complete his second term.

6.   Clinton ignored calls in Congress for retaliatory measures.

7.   Clinton, smiling and brushing a hand through his thick silver hair, ignored those calls.

8.   Competitive artists, or designers, would not ignore her call.

9.   For years, Arafat has ignored calls from the powerless Legislative Council that he clean up corruption and nurture democratic institutions within the Palestinian Authority.

v. + call >>共 429
return 18.14%
make 10.49%
get 6.41%
receive 6.16%
reject 3.91%
renew 2.76%
take 2.74%
answer 2.61%
repeat 2.03%
heed 1.73%
ignore 1.26%
ignore + n. >>共 1593
warning 4.98%
order 3.33%
call 2.32%
advice 2.11%
fact 1.97%
request 1.89%
plea 1.88%
question 1.78%
demand 1.66%
appeal 1.55%
每页显示:    共 174