1.   The spectacular Castellana Grottoes, and several lovely hill towns are also within reach.

2.   There are numerous hill towns in central Italy where can be seen extant remains of Etruscan city walling.

3.   Already it has been compared to the Athenian Acropolis, a buffed-out Tuscan hill town and a marooned ocean liner.

4.   Although suburban sprawl has begun to push out its borders, Cuernavaca is still an extremely walkable city, similar in design to a Tuscan hill town.

5.   At La Grotta, a restaurant outside this Tuscan hill town, a waiter has begun shaving slivers of fresh white truffle over a humble plate of fried eggs.

6.   At first he lived in Newark, Vt., a hill town.

7.   At Galleria Italiana, owned by two women from a small hill town in Abruzzi, Lynch has a showcase for her passionate cuisine.

8.   At the end of the minuscule lawn is a three-story, ivy-covered tower, evoking medieval hill towns in Italy.

9.   Bleached hill towns like Poggio, where old, weathered men play cards on a stone table in the sun, seem timeless.

10.   After dark, many hill towns are silent and deserted.

n. + town >>共 434
border 13.14%
resort 8.03%
mountain 4.13%
college 4.03%
seaside 2.59%
port 2.59%
mill 2.46%
boom 2.06%
shanty 1.97%
tourist 1.80%
hill 1.28%
hill + n. >>共 136
country 9.36%
town 8.30%
district 6.81%
resort 6.17%
people 4.68%
tribe 4.47%
event 3.40%
competition 3.40%
top 2.55%
station 2.34%
每页显示:    共 39